Chicken Coop - Donate

Chicken Coop (1).png
Chicken Coop (1).png

Chicken Coop - Donate


Secure the naming rights for one of our three Chicken Coops, where our feathered friends find safety and shelter.

By naming a Chicken Coop, you are creating a lasting legacy of compassion and kindness for our chicken residents. Your dedication will ensure they have a safe and nurturing environment to call home. 

A beautiful 4" x 6" plaque with your chosen name and a short dedication will be placed at the coop.

Delivery Date: November 2024 

Additional Perks:

  • A photo of the plaque

  • Complimentary VIP access to the grand opening in 2025.

  • Access to any VIP-only events to be determined over the next few months.

  • A private tour, either virtual or in-person

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