Field Luminaries - 2023

Read the beautiful messages of love, compassion and remembrance.


Sweet Esther you have changed so many hearts. I will never ever forget you or how you've changed my world.  Love you forever. Xoxo

✨Margaret Gittings

Miss you so much and love you forever.

✨The ones from above

Love you, miss you.

✨Mason Rocco and Maya May

You'll be loved forever!

✨Bambi our cat

Bambi, we hope you keep getting better every day. You are very special to us and Thank you for being a part of our lives. We love you very, very much. Grandpa Kitty, Grandma Kitty, and Nana Kitty.

✨My beautiful boy, Derek the dog, who passed in November

I love you to the moon and back, Mr. Boy. Please leave some cupcakes for Esther.

✨Nancy Beatty

In loving memory.

✨Audrey and Lynn

So wish you could have come here with me but I know you are in Spirit

✨Lynn & Gord Gaston, Striker Morais

Your presence is so missed. Love you and miss you hourly. I hope you are watching over us.

✨In memory of dear Esther The Wonder Pig, and my dear departed mother-in-law Brigitta Schneider

We will remember! ❤️

✨ill and Barbra Pheil, Betsy Pheil and Louis L. Otero, Jr.

In Loving Memory of our parents: Walker Pheil, Jennifer and Lou Otero

✨ Lynn

To my wonderful daughter Lynn who contributes so much to the sanctuary.

✨Derek Walter

Who always looks up.


I love you!

✨Esther and Cornelius

Thank you for influencing our family and the world. You are truly missed everyday but your legacy lives on forever. Love Lori and Dee DiGiovanni Segal

✨Dr. Lisa Radosta and staff of FVBS

Dr R and staff at Florida Veterinary Behavioral Service- thank you for all of your help and guidance! Love Jerry DiGiovanni-Segal and his moms.

✨weet Gertie and Zander

We miss you both so much! May your light always shine bright!

✨Zoey the GSD

Zoey the day you pounced into my life is one of the best things that could've ever happened to me. I miss you so much sweet girl, I know you are running, swimming and meeting up with all our friends who have crossed the rainbow bridge. Please give lots of licks to Mimi, grandpa, Aunt Lisa, Kolbie, Karlie  and of course Esther, Captain Dan and Corno! I miss you all so much, until we meet again beautiful. I love and miss you forever!!

Zoey 6/2/2014-12/16/2023

✨All who miss their pets

Sending comfort to all who have had to say farewell to a cherished pet family member this year.

✨Esther, Corno, Captain Dan, Bobby Girl, Wilma and all the beautiful souls that have physically left us.

Your lights will shine brightly forever but I am sure they will shine even brighter when the luminaires are on as you will be able to see just how many people love you. Miss you all but feel grateful that I can still help the friends you left behind. Lots of love and hugs to you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.  Kath

✨Beautiful beloved esther

in infinite love & life to our beloved friends esther & Mi- Shu & spusel & meikel & meera & martin & Mirabelle and  peter.. we love you dearly deeply forever

✨Lily Francine Mosley

Life isn't the same without you, our darling girl. You are so precious to us. I know we'll see each other again, Miss Bean Francine. Love, love, love and all the flavors, dearest.

✨The animals killed and exploited for food, testing …

I'm sorry

✨Rascal (cat) and Esther the Wonder Pig

To my beloved Rascal cat who loved me like no other and who was the reason I stopped consuming animals. To Esther who filled my heart with joy and who helped me find my community.  Even though you have both left this life, you will both live on in my heart as an inspiration to live a life of love, kindness  and compassion.

✨To all my fur babies

I love and miss all of you so very much.

To Esther, Captain Dan an Corno, you made the world a better place. Thank you

To Steve and Derek, thank for including all of us in this journey and to all the care givers, you are amazing

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

Annette Robinson


✨Esther & Corrno

You forever changed my life.  May your light shine beyond eternity.


Never has there been a more loved and powerful pig who changed the world. Miss you


Indie - you were one of a kind. We miss you with all our hearts

✨My family

Remembering Mom, Dad, and my three brothers. Thank you all for the light you brought to the world.

✨Kael Elizabeth Davis

Remembering the sweetest daughter, grand-daughter, great-grand daughter, niece and cousin.  Rest in peace Kael.  You left this earthly world too soon.  You are forever in our hearts.  You will live forever because we will speak of you often, with love in our hearts and voices.

✨Bill Thomas

All of the animals In Heaven are happier because you are there.

Love You Always, Dad!



Love you. mommie Uta and sister Sammie


Love you, Mom Gina and Dad Bob

✨Little Joe

Always Love You. Moms


Always Love You. Moms

✨John and Denise Olsav

Merry Christmas

Love Your Children & Grandchildren


Aunt Ludu can't wait to meet you! Merry Christmas!


Always stay your sweet silly self! Aunt Ludu loves you


You will always be my guiding light.

I will love you forever. Darlene

✨Family past and present

✨Laura Herndon

Thank you for being the greatest friend and keeping me honest.

✨Jack Levic

May your travels never end!

✨Bobbie Girl, Captain Dan, Bear and Esther

You brought so much life to so many people. I miss seeing your beautiful. faces.


Miss and love each of you.

✨Our recently departed Queen Esther and my grandson, Izzy Bodnar.

I'm so sad that I was not able to take my grandson, Izzy, north to Canada to meet Esther, or at least see her farm while she was living.  Esther was the most wondrous and indeed greatest, ambassador for her kind and for all farmed animals.  She and her dads made such an impact in our world...But we humans must get better.  We must!!

Debbi Graham, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Miss you . Thank you for all the loving memories.


Happy Holidays.

✨Norma Chapin

You are always in my heart. Miss you and love you, Grandma!

✨All HEEFS residents who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge

You are loved. You are missed. You are forever in our hearts.

✨Mum Dad and John

I hope you know how loved you are and how we miss you so.

✨Trish Gilbert

Sending love to Trish, Rudy, and Alfie, and Luke, looking down from the stars.

✨My lovely Esther.

You changed my life.

✨In loving memory of Esther and Corono.

You brought so much joy to so many people around the world. We miss you so much. Your loving spirit will go on forever. Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.

✨Caroline Geist

In memory of my sweet niece who passed away July 18 of this year from cancer. She loved all animals and did so much good in her short life. Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.

✨My Mama, My Papa & my Beloved Family in Heaven!

My life has never been the same

✨My mom.

Miss you every day.

✨In memory of my beloved Ollie.


We miss you beautiful girl

✨Oscar, Hannah and Felix

You are so very loved. Thank you for every moment of joy you brought into my life. I miss you every day.

✨Esther, Corno and Captain Dan

Thank you for all the years of making me smile!  You and all your friends at HEEFS are very loved!

✨Isabella Beltrame

Our beautiful granddaughter Bella.  We love and miss you very much.

Love, Grandpa Rick and Grandma Kris

✨To the beautiful animal lovers...

You don't turn your backs unless it means to get more help you put out a hand in kindness and caring never to show warmth and love in so many ways you understand that God put his creatures in our care...we should be grateful to be given such a responsibility.


Our one & only dog who recused us!

✨Esther and the dads

Dear Esther and the dads,

Everyone may miss the way things used to be but what has not changed is the love that you share with the world.   You taught us how unique and smart pigs are and introduced us to a new way of life.  Your acceptance of the world into your lives despite the vulnerability you created for yourselves and for that we will be forever grateful.

Love The Mull Pack


Dearest Cornelius,

Thank you for showing the world that turkey kisses are so fantastic.  I looked forward to news of you every day and I cried when I learned that you are now a memory, the best kind of memory, as your memory makes me smile every day.

Love Leanne

✨The DeVito-OKeeffe Family Current Pets

To August, Maxine and Honey -  you make our lives better every day.

✨RIP The DeVito-OKeeffe Family Pets

Riis, Magoo, Edgar, Lucas, Rudy, Jacob, and Tillie - you are forever in our hearts and you have all changed us in different ways.  We love you.

✨My fur babies past and present.

Cookie and Gordie  and all my past rescues:  Roscoe, Gidget, Pokey, Zarley, Beezer, Badger, Tocchet, Murphy, Kaspar, Jari, Rizz, Lucky, Geno, and Mr. Sid!!

✨The residents, staff and volunteers

2023 was hard with great losses, but you all continue to make the magic that is HEEFS. Here's to a better and bigger 2024!

✨Gordo and Willa

May your lights shine forever at the Rainbow Bridge. You are forever in our hearts.

✨Julie Green

My cousin my friend.    I love you.  You are missed.

✨Kael Elizabeth Davis (Simpraga)

You are our sunshine.  Rest in peace dear daughter,  cousin, niece, grand daughter,  great grand daughter,.  17 short years......but loved for every second of every year.

✨Laura Prince

Sending love and light to my dear mama, shining from above

✨Ben Prince

Sending love and light to my dear papa, shining from above

✨ Elizabeth Mitchell

May we all love and be loved. May we all find our peace and happiness


Thinking of you always T


In loving memory of beautiful Esther who changed the world for so many, and every beautiful resident angel lost this past year. In loving honor of Steve, Derek, the board, staff and volunteers who fought hard for those lost, and continue to make a difference for the resident angels and the mindset of people worldwide every day.

✨Tigger, Bella and Louis

We love you and miss you every day.  Forever in our hearts.

✨Moca Legens

Dedicated to Moca Legens - a scared little rescue dog, gone too soon. May you find peace and comfort at The Bridge.

✨Sammy Madere

I love you daddy and I miss you everyday

✨ Cornelius & Esther

May your lights shine brightly from heaven! You are so missed!

✨Esther and Cornelius

I love you two so much and miss you every day!  I am so grateful I met you both.  You are and will forever be an inspiration!  Hope you are frolicking in heaven ❤️.

✨Lucy & Watson, Miss Marple & Sterling Archer

You sweeten every day with your presence. We look forward to many more.


I miss you so much little kitty! I hope you're playing with your big brother in heaven.

✨The HEEFS Caretakers

The love you give the residents lights up the world! Thank you!

✨Frankie 06-10-2008--03-22-2022

I will love and miss you forever.  I adopted you during the darkest time of my life and you saved me. From the day I brought you home, you never left my side. My heart hurts without you but I know you're in a better place. We will be together again one day.

✨Salvatore Luzzi

Love never dies.

✨Bud Squires

Forever in our hearts


One of the kindest people I’ve ever met. I’m delighted to call you “friend”.

✨ Nancy Wunderlich

Your light will forever shine mama. xo

✨Kurt Devlin

Forever in our hearts


You changed the world beautiful girl. We'll keep working towards a more compassionate world, in your honor.

✨Collis Seale-McConnie

Miss you C. Sending Love & Light.

✨Megan and Adam

Although we may be miles apart, my love for you both lights a path right to my heart. Merry Christmas

Aunt Ludu

✨Neal and Paige

Although we may be miles apart, my love for you both leads a path right to my heart. Merry Christmas!

Aunt Ludu

✨Erica, my seester! <3

My older sister Erica became one of my angels in November of 2021. She introduced me to Esther and the sanctuary. This light for her shines brightly, and I hope she continues to watch over her loved ones, and that she got to meet Esther and Corno and all of the others whose lights continue to shine from heaven above.

✨Sam Lewis

Dear Emily, Pete, Freya and Indie - What a wonderful, funny boy you got to love and how much he loved all of you. May happy memories make the missing -- a little easier. m/c/mimi xoxox

✨Mimi and Papa

Love you and miss you both so much!

✨Jesse Berkin

Your candle burned out too soon, only 37 years old . We miss you! This light is for you so that you always shine. Rest in peace little bro

✨Nina Levin

One year has passed, and a second Xmas without you. May your spirit light up the fields of HEEF as it did for us.

✨For all animals

For all the animals world wide, I wish you could all receive the love and care that the animals at HEEFS receive.


I am with you. I wish I could give more. I pray.

✨Cornelius aka Corno

Your hard work on earth didn't go unnoticed.

Whether it was at Home Depot, as Heefs security gard, as deputy sheriff  or as side kick of our Queen E.

And on top of that the most handsome, best dressed bird in the world.

In my heart.

✨Molly, Sophie, Sammy, Rambo, ❤️

No longer by our sides, but forever in our hearts. Until we see you again. Love and miss you all, Mom & Dad

(Cathy & Michael Hoyt)


After all the years you spent in a puppy mill I was blessed to become your adoptive Mom.  I had dreams for you baby girl but an unknown issue took you from us suddenly last week.  Momma's heart is broken.  You took a big chunk of my heart over the rainbow bridge with you little girl.  I will miss you the rest of my life.  All my love precious girl.

✨My Lucy

It's the first year in 16 that you are not here with me. Oh how I miss you my sweet Little Lucy!

✨those we lost

you will be in our hearts forever.

✨Luna and Opie

We miss you everyday. You brought us such joy and endless happiness. You were my soul dogs. Forever missed. Wait for me over the rainbow bridge🌈

Love ,

Mom and Dad (MaryBeth and Rich)

✨Gloria Panda Guinea Pig

We lost you so suddenly and miss you still. Always in our hearts with your sweet piggy smile. Love, Mahmmy, Daddy, Cookie, Penny, and Kai

✨Esther, Corno & Captain Dan

Miss you all.

Thank you to Steve and Derek for sharing you with us.


My god, please come home.

Daddy misses you.

✨Anne Allen

Your friendship knows no bounds

✨Trixie Leckwold

thank you for 16 years of love and support, you were the best kitty and I miss you so very much,

love Mom


The joy and happiness that you brought to me and to everyone will never be forgotten. You were an angel on this Earth. And you will be remembered always!

✨Derek Walter

Who always looks up, and lives with hope.

✨John and Gracie Grubinski

✨Lee Schnaufer

Merry Christmas to my Mom in Heaven.


Such a good boy.

✨Tom Carson

Thank you for your love and kindness towards all living things. I love and miss you so much. Meet me at the Rainbow Bridge.


Thank you for being the best boy ever.

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

In 2019 I met Esther during Thanksliving, and that experience was a highlight of my life.

Esther was a bright light for all of us, and I hope she sees our luminaries as she looks down, and that she knows she will always be in our hearts. And that she will never be forgotten.

✨Jane Borries

We miss you every day, Mom.


Esther ! Your light will shine in our hearts forever.

✨Abby Cleland

If forever was an option, that's how long we wish you could have stayed. Every time it snows this season, I'll assume it's you and Makena breaking up your stuffies in heaven. Merry Christmas, Love. Please always remember what Mommy told you: Love stay, love no bye-bye.

Sending an eternity of hugs and kisses from,

Daddy, Mommy and Olive


Your love, your joy, your earnestness and devotion will live with us forever.  Shine on our dear sweet boy.


We see you in the moonglow every night as your spirit lights up the heavens. You taught us to be better people. We will hold your light and love forever in our hearts.

✨All Trans, nonbinary and gender diverse individuals

I see you,

You are beautiful.

You are worthy.

I love you.


✨Esther The Wonder Pig

This is in dedication to Steve Jenkins. Without Steve there would be no Esther The Wonder Pig. Steve is loved so much. My wish is he will go back to the sanctuary in 2024. Heef's needs you Steve Jenkins

✨Esther & Corno

R.I.P. to the girl that started it all and her awesome turkey brother¸


Fly high miss piggy, let's keep the cupcakes growing abundantly in the garden.


May HEEFS always be under the protection of the super head of angelic security

✨Cornelius, Captain Dan, Esther.

In memory of our security guard Cornelius, leader of the bowls and HBP, Captain Dan. And last but not least, our Queen Esther.


Ich liebe dich Papa.

1000 Kuesse zu dir.

✨Nancy Bunce

Mumsey would have loved the animals at HEEFS.

✨Esther the Wonderpig

She started it all and will be with us always. Love to all those she impacted.


I lost you and now I am lost without you. I will love you forever, Mom.


✨Binx & Jennie

You meant so much to us and now you have eternal peace on the other side of the rainbow bridge

✨Lifford WS & Effel SS

This light is in memory of my two precious fur babies who are waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge... Lifford WS and Effel SS. Miss you so much every single day. Love you both always and forever  from Mammy Claire and your little brother Hershel BS

✨Larry Mosser

Always in my heart!

✨HEEFS Staff and Volunteers

Your love lights up the world

✨Jeffery and Stanley Rublik

I miss my brother, Jeff, who passed away Nov. 7, 2013. My father, Stanley, passed away 5 months later. I hope Esther is looking after them.

✨Esther and Cornelius

Miss you both so much, especially this time of year

✨Ron Batchelor

To all those that help at HEEFS


For Rob - who supports me in everything I do.  I love you to the moon and back.

✨Scott - my dad!

Miss you and love you so much, Daddy!

✨Dora - my mom!

Miss you and love you so much, Mommy!


Hop On, little one!

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

I miss you, beautiful girl.



You changed my life- fly free


In honor and loving memory of Esther the Wonder Pig who started it all! Esther forever

✨Amy Jacobs

To my beautiful daughter! I miss you everyday.

✨Bug, Divy, Schmoo

Gone, but always in our hearts. Missing you. Love you.


You brought love, light and security to my life and I love you.

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

Wishing you many cupcakes in heaven

✨Captain Dan

Miss you and your terrific ears

✨Robert Huff

Dear Dad, We love and miss you. Your light will be shining bright through this luminary display. In our hearts forever Love, Linda and Danny

✨Aunt Anita and Uncle Mark Kolsky

Thank you for shining so brightly.

Love Lori and Dee


Adam, We love and miss you.  You are our shining star!

✨Bruce Anderson

Good friend, great piper.  We will miss you.  Blessings my friend.

✨Lisa Taverna and Charlie

Lisa and Charlie- you're a great addition to our team.


The last ferret of the Peanuts gang. You are missed sweet boy. Love Mommy L and Mommy Dee.

✨Deuce Michael

In loving memory of the Best Dog Ever. We will miss you forever.

✨My dear cousin Jean Wodtka

She was a fabulous r.n. then suddenly a few years ago her life changed immensely...due to some mystery illness..that still remains....She is smart beautiful love u Jean

✨Lily, cormac, ben, joy, lorraine, bob Haas

Miss you all hope you are doing well in heaven.

✨Tony Frier & Greg Gude of Broome Animal Sanctuary.

Two of the most beautiful souls on earth.


Daisy my girl you lit up our lives while here on earth and I know you are now a light shining down on us up in the sky. Miss you forever baby.

✨Virginia Pandelieff

Merry Christmas in Heaven, Mom. I miss you so very much, your smile, your voice, your sense of humor, your hugs, the way you made everything better. I just miss you. Love, Crissy


In memory of Gumbeaux, a much loved dog xxxx


You brought such awareness to all with your amazing personality

✨My dear Mum and Dad, Faith and Albert.

Missing you still, after all these years. Now and always, forever in my heart. I think about you daily, and miss you so much.

Love and God bless,


✨Spina family

With memories of Christmases past


This light shines brightly for you oxo

✨Esther and Captain Dan

Forever in our hearts, you are thought of daily!  I hope you are dancing together in Heaven!

✨Kitties Brie and Jolie

In memory of my sweet kitties Brie and Jolie, across the Rainbow Bridge and always in my heart!

✨My bestie ❤️Gina Papponeti❤️


I am so grateful to have you in my life. You love and accept all of me, the good, bad and the ugly. I love you so much ❤️

✨Queen Esther, Sheriff Corno and Captain Dan

Sweet blueberry muffin dreams to you angels! Missing you madly!


Sending all our love to you.

✨Pluto, Ziggy, Baxter, Max, and SamIam

Missing the best furry family members. We are so lucky to have them for the short time we do. Love, Susan

✨Her Highness, Miss Esther The Wonder Pig

From the first moment I saw you little Esther, I knew my life has changed.  Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life and the life of so many. I miss you everyday, you smile, your wiggle, your munching  but I take comfort in knowing you are pain free and up above watching over us. Love you baby girl❤️

✨In memory of Howard who died last week.

Congratulations Bob for the 50+ years you had together.

✨Esther, Cornelius and Captain Dan

May your light continue to always shine bright.  Thank you for showing us the way to kindness, compassion and acceptance.

✨Brad Jaffe

I miss you so much. I will love you always and forever.

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

You changed my life and for that I hope you have endless piggy juice, midnight strolls, belly rubs, cupcakes and private lagoons, until the end of time.  Be sure to boop a few snoots wherever you are- Shelby, Reuben, Alice, Corno, Bear, and all the others that left before you.

You're one in a million and will never be forgotten! Thank you, Pam

✨In memory of my husband Cy

Missing you every day

Until we meet again...

✨In memory of John A. Hurst

Think of you every day. Miss you every day.



✨Nancy Wright

I love and miss you Mom.


I love and miss you buddy.

✨The love animals provide

To the joy of animal friends that bring us pure love

✨Esther the Wonder Pig, Corno, Captain Dan

In remembrance of Esther the Wonder Pig, a beacon of love whose brilliance transcends time. Her radiant spirit continues to shine brighter than ever, illuminating the fields of love and inspiring countless hearts. Esther carries the torch of love sparked by those who preceded her. In loving memory of Esther, Corno, Captain Dan, and those whose spirits paved the way, lighting our path with enduring warmth and inspiration.

✨Ron Dombowsky - my Dad.

They say there is a reason, they say time will heal.  Neither time or reason, will change the way I feel.  Gone are the days we used to share, but in my heart you are always there.  The gates of memories, will never close.  I miss you more than anybody knows, love and miss you everyday, till we meet again one day.

Always and forever love you, Dad - From your son Daniel.

✨Rudy B

Miss you Dad!!!!

✨Ruby Gill

Miss you grandma

✨All the animals we have lost this year at HEEFS!!

You are all missed so much.  We do miss you all.

✨Root, Toot & Lilpig.

My favorite pbp's loved and missed forever!

✨Chuck Farino

Miss you every day. Love you brother!

Love, Jackie & Scott

✨Bill & Mary Farino

Mom and Dad,

We know you're dancing among the stars.

Love you both,

Jackie & Scott

✨My mom & dad

I love you both and miss you everyday. xx


Thank you for taking care of your brother for so long.  We miss you and love you forever.


Sweet Doug Doug,loved always, and forever in our hearts


You were the sweetest bun and we will love you forever.


We miss you sweet girl and will love you forever

✨Captain Dan

Handsome Sir we miss you so much!

You will always be in our hearts and we will love you forever.


We miss you sassy boy and we will love you forever!

✨My cats, Rodney, Maddie, and Bella

You kitties light up my life. Happy Holidays.

✨Bobbie Girl

We will love and miss you forever.

✨Derek Walter

A shining example of kindness and compassion.


Forever loved.

✨Captain Dan

We love you. Always and forever.

✨Tazo and Che

I miss you both.


May you be happily running alongside Cow on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

✨Kathy Fischer

Thank you for your dedication to HEEFS and your friendship. You are a bright light in the world.

✨In honor of Nana, Prince, Jan and in memory of Tessu.

Thank you for making the world a brighter place. Love you all!

✨Derek Walter

Your kind heart shines bright in this world. You are loved and appreciated.

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

May your light, love and vision for all animals continue to shine down on the world. I miss and love you, Esther. xoxoxo

✨Charlie, Jack, Benjamin, Ethel, Princess Chula, Jacques, Mr. Eliot

To our precious cats, past and present

✨My Mom, Joanne

Merry Christmas!


Esther, you changed my life and brought so much light to the world. This light is for you.

✨My Pets at Rainbow Bridge

Loved, missed and always in my heart.

✨All the people I have lost - mom, dad, mother-in-law, father-in-law, Greg, Scott, Greg - ALL OF THEM

MISSING ALL OF YOU EVERY DAY. Hope you can SEE our lights - to let you know we're always thinking of all of you!  oxox  Jane

✨My Beloved Nikki

I promise for all the days of my life

I will love you and NEVER forget you.

Rest in peace, my sweet angel.

✨Cal and Paul

In honour of my sons who make me proud every day.

Love you!

✨Phinn and Maggie

I'll love you forever. xo


A heart as wide as the world. xo

✨Barbara Myers

Miss you mom

✨Esther The Wonder Pig

Esther you made the world a better place. Your legacy will live on in our heart!

✨Dr Sandra P Last

It's been a little over 2 years, a day does not go by I don't think of you.


You were the best pig ever!!!! Always in my heart!!!!

✨Charms, Figgy and Zelly

We miss you darlings every day. Love Lucy and Ian


We miss you and love you.  Love Ian and Lucy

✨People of the Ukraine

May God Bless you and keep you safe and strong as you fight for your survival.  We are standing with you and know the pain, heartache and sacrifice you are goi ng thru.  GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU IN HIS CARE.

✨Lola Bea

Forever loved


Paths that cross, will cross again.

xo Kathy


To our Faithful And Loving Dog Blue. We miss you so much, but your light will shine forever in our hearts. ❤️


Thank you all for creating a peaceful place full of love and sharing it with all of us. May 2024 bring you joy and lots of belly rubs for the residents!

✨Jay Layer

I love you and miss you. Thank you for being my dad.

✨Esther, Corno, Dan and the other beautiful HEEFS Angels

In loving memory of Esther, Corno & Dan

✨Rufus, Lily and grandma

Miss you xox

✨All the residents past and present.

You all have made such a big impact on so many lives just by being the perfect people you are.


✨Heather Corby

I miss you so much mom, love you forever¦

✨Ron Savoie

In loving memory of my Pepere. We love and miss you and hope you’re at peace.

✨Cary Cat

for my special boy

✨The Branders

You are magic and chaos; and I wouldn't have you any other way.

✨Lynn van der Valk

To best Auntie we could ask for. Love Ian, Emma, Alec and Maverick.


We still miss you every day. Good boy, Ernie. â

✨The van der Valk and Burbidge grandparents

Thank you for giving us the joy of your love and lessons from your experience.

✨Lucia, Jack, Francisco

Heart of my heart! Mommy loves you so much, sweet pups.

✨Jenna Spivey

Sweet girl, I miss you so, so much. Love, mommy

Lisa Spivey

✨Wanda, Joseph, Loretta and Warry

We love and miss you, more than words can say, I hope to see you again someday.


My sweet little doggie died on Valentine's Day. I love you and miss you every day..

✨Adam Nigh

Adam, You are our star, a great big shining star!   

Lots of Love Mom, Dad, Erin, Em & Aidan


For changing my heart and life by helping me make the connection. Miss you, sweet girl. I'll always remember you with a smile.

✨Elijah Namaste

Sending my love out to my 21 yr old Maine Coon Elijah who died this year. He watched many Esther and HEEFS events with me. Love and Namaste.

✨BooBoo, Ozzy, Mia and Nikki

The house is so quiet without you, the nights lonelier, our hearts sadder. We were honored to care for you all the days of your lives and we will love you till the end of ours.

Mommy and Daddy xo


To my sweet heart dog who travelled the country with me and swam in Lake Louise.

I miss you every day ❤️

✨Bella, Gimli, Pippin, Gabe, Beavis and Mickey

To my past fur family!  I remember you always.

✨Rachel P

Miss you sissy!

✨David Brandon

I miss you.

✨Zander and Gertie

Thank you for the light and love you brought to our family â

✨Esther the Wonderpig

Dear Esther, we miss you so much. Sending love to you and Cornelius in heaven <3

✨In memory of Esther & in honor of Steve and Derek

Thanks to Steve & Derek for teaching the world that all animals deserve love and the best life. Esther you will never be forgotten!

✨Gloria and Jeffrey Lawlor

I miss you Mom

I miss you big brother

We never thought we would lose any of you this year; but to lose you both has left us with shattered hearts. Give Esther a kiss from me xoxo

✨Gloria and Jeffrey Lawlor

I miss you Mom

I miss you big brother

We never thought we would lose any of you this year; but to lose you both has left us with shattered hearts. Give Esther a kiss from me xoxo



Love you more than all the stars in the sky.  Miss you so much, monkey.

✨In memory of Esther and Captain Dan.

✨Candy Cane

She lived to please. Missed every single day. ❤️

✨Sugar Cane

Girl hero & best mom ever. ❤️

✨Gracie Cane

Though she was little, she was fierce. Always with me. ❤️

✨Eva and Laura

My early Sunday morning buddies!

✨Chelsea and Caro

The best neighbours ever.  Love to you, Missy, Pepe, and Hazel.

✨David De Anda

Miss you Dad. I hope Andy and Bindy are with you and you're all looking after Memphis, Raylan, Suki, Mimzy and Phoebe for me.

✨the cat Smilla

I miss you.

✨the horse Hälge

Bless your kind heart.

✨the pup Rufus

I miss you so!

✨Mormor och Morfar

Christmas is not complete without you. Miss you!

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

I fell in love with you at first sight, Ms. Esther, and I will hold that love in my heart for the rest of my life. Whatever happens in the physical world, love is never lost.


To all the animals in our lives


Miss you baby girl

✨Mark & Miles

Two of the best, gone too soon.  Missing & loving you always! The Texas Whitleys & Trasks

✨Midnight, Jack and Luna

Remembering you with love


Tippy I miss you so much, I will love you forever and will never forget you!


Miss my baby girl every day... miss my morning kisses... life isn't the same without waking up to a Princess facial.