Field Luminaries - 2023

Read the beautiful messages of love, compassion and remembrance.


Jack, it’s been almost three years, and there is not a day that goes by, that I don’t miss and grieve for you.

You were my Baby Dog!

What was left of me, died with you!

I miss you so much!



✨My Beautiful Boy Bear

It’s been 18 mths since you left and I’m still missing you so much. You will always be in my broken heart and I know you are waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. Love you my beautiful boy Bear


Miss you every day big man.

✨Legal Lynn

The ultimate cream of the crop.

✨My mom Ethel MacKinnon

You may be gone from our lives but will NEVER be forgotten in our hearts . Thank you “Old Cat” for making me the woman I am today . I love you dearly and hope you’re proud of me always . Miss you and Love you forever !!!!! Love always Catherine ( your” Young Cat “)

✨Crazy Boyd

To our cat Crazy. In our hearts forever more.


Fly free sweet girl.

✨Esther and Cornelius

You are both missed dearly. You helped bring the entire world together and made us all smile. Watch over the sanctuary. I love and miss you both.


Forgive yourself.


Lucy girl, I still miss you. You will always and forever be in my heart

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

You will always be a bright light in the darkness, Esther.


Esther, You will always be our queen forever. We will continue your mission as long as it takes.

✨Lily at Luvin Arms

I miss you so much, sweet Lily.. I hope you're still around all of us.


2024 will be my year!

✨Jack The Beagle

We miss you boy.


Miss you.  Continue to watch over us.

✨All the Animals at HEEFS

Thank you for the incredible work at HEEFS spreading kindness to animals and humans alike

✨Esther the Wonderful Pig

I thanked and honored  the 12 pets I shared my life with me on the Christmas tree. I now want to honor you our dear Esther.I am so grateful that you blessed the world with your humor and your fashion choices, but also your empathy, compassion, and hope.Every morning I would open my laptop to greet you first thing sometimes with your Dads to see what you have to say and clearly what you were wearing. Then to go on adventures with you My sweet, your beautiful body may no longer be here but your soul lives on-I can feel it sometimes you are here.Have a cupcake for the New Year,sweet girl

✨Sebastian Holgersson

I miss you so my dearest brother.

✨Annette Dairou

May your lights continue to shine bright through your family!

✨June Rose

May your lights continue to shine bright through your family!

✨Jim Keachie

May your lights continue to shine bright through your family!

✨Nelson, Molly, and Sadie

You are missed


For all the volunteers, staff, board members, and of course, the founders of this most amazing sanctuary.The supporters, who come together and are a continuous blessing for all the residents we love. All the love we share together.. family, my HEEFS family. I love you all.

✨Leroy Dykes

We love you Pop! You are my universe! Love, Pumpkin

✨Spread the light of love

✨Animal Defenders everywhere

Thank you to those on the front lines.

Those who save, volunteer and support the work of changing hearts and minds.

??????? in 2024

Joyce Hurst

✨Bill Marchese

Forever and always you'll be our love

✨Esther The WonderPig

You will forever a guiding light


With love

✨Tony Frier & Greg Gude

In honor of your kind hearts and  commitment to the rights of those whose voices are not heard. Your light shines bright. <3

✨Stella Jane

Thinking of you lights up my heart. I miss your sweet presence in physical form, but I know I carry you with me everyday. Xxx


Mommy misses you



Missing you more than you will know! RIP Mama Houston!

✨Donald Hayden

My baby in heaven, please go find Esther the Wonder Pig and give her a hug!


There will never be another horse as special as you.

✨Esther the wonderpig

Thank you for bringing hope, happiness and joy to the world. Always remembered.

✨Olive, Bob, and Charlie

Rest In Peace

✨Hamilton Cats

To our many beloved cats who have left us.   We will always miss you.  Your 3 D'S ??


I love and miss you

✨Mousie Mouserton Ross

He was a good boy

✨All the true animal lovers

Hopefully, one day, we won't hurt and abuse them anymore.


Burt, you beautiful Dalmatian. Gone far too soon. You lived your short life with joy, love and exuberance. Keep smiling.

✨My Beloved Husband, Richard <3

My husband is in the fight of his life with cancer but cancer has no rules !

Despite that, I am fortunate, grateful and blessed for every moment with him, past, present and future. It is truly the little things in life that make it amazing. All my love forever.


We love and miss you so much and we are taking very good care of your dad   Rest in peace Cindy

✨Tim & Veronica

Miss you every day

✨DIABLO <3 <3 <3 <3

Diablo, I just want you to know how much I love you and I'm so grateful for our friendship!

love always Angie <3

✨Derek Walter

Thank you for taking such excellent care of Queen Esther in her final years. As she prepared to transcend, she deserved nothing but love, dignity, and grace and you provided that in spades.

✨Esther the Wonder Pig, Corno, Captain Dan, Doug, Shaaaun, Terry and Donna

In loving memory of Esther the Wonder Pig, Sheriff Corno, Captain Dan, Doug, Shaaaun, Terry and Donna. We miss you so deeply, but you are always with all of us in spirit, guiding us to carry on your legacy of love and kindness. We will always love you.

Forever in our hearts.

Michael & Frederik

✨Evelyn & Ludwig Weish and Peppo

In loving memory of our Mom and Dad, Evelyn & Ludwig Weishäupl, and our cheeky cockatiel Peppo. We miss you beyond the stars every single day. If we had wings, we would fly to you. You live in our hearts until we meet again.

Love you to the moon and back.

Michael & Frederik & your homies Rosalie, Rocky, Yarny, Tomte


Always in our hearts

✨Dorothy and Murray Beemer

We love and miss you both so much. Your love always shines on us.

<3 <3 <3


You were the light of my life and I miss your snuggles everyday. I hope you see this display from heaven.

Love - Mom and Emilio

✨Jill Wright

You are forever loved

✨Marilyn Vanderlaan

I miss you so much, Mom


Esther the difference you have made in my life and the world is beyond anything imaginable. Miss you sweet girl

✨All of my fur babies

Thinking of all of my fur babies, alive and who have crossed the rainbow bridge.


You were so loved.  May you run free and enjoy the most amazing sunsets xo


Bubba Boy, the Bestest Boy, you will forever be in our hearts xo

✨Esther & Corno

You have changed lives, and your spirit & the good you do lives on.

✨To my mom, Julia, my five fur babies, Esther, Corno, and Captain Dan.

Mom, Luii, Buster, Maui, Shelby, Chloe, Ester, Corno, and Captain Dan, I know all of you are at peace and made whole again free of pain. Makes me happy knowing that. I feel so much hurt when I think about each one of you because I miss y'all so much. Esther, you were my happy place for so long and brought me so much joy after loosing so many loved ones. I'm forever grateful for that. Love y'all so very and until we meet again, I send you many hugs and kisses. <3 <3 <3


We miss you so much, your tail wags & body wags, your cuddles & kisses.  Sending lots of love xoxoxox

✨Sally and Eva

my farm car ride buddies!! Waking up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday is challenging sometimes but so worth it since driving out to the farm with you is so fun!!!  I am so lucky to call you both my friends <3

✨Staff and volunteers

I want to thank the staff and volunteers for taking such good care of the animals at the sanctuary

✨Esther the Wonder Pig

Thank you for your light that continues to shine for so many.

Michael C. Ryan


You will be forever missed beautiful girl. Until we meet again. Love mum x

✨Daisy, Poppa and Lily

I will miss you all forever.

Fly free beautiful angels, until we meet again, love mum x

✨The Sunday Work Group

Thank you for accepting me into the group, knowing you all has been wonderful and it has brought me so much joy this year.


You changed my plate and my life. You have been an icon for animal rights, and the message of how kindness is magic. I love you to infinity and beyond, my Queen <3

✨My Mom and Dad

You are so missed!

✨Dee & Lori

Dee & Lori are so loving & giving!

I give because to you because of what they give to me!

✨Stephenie, Tom and Baby

Happy New Year

Excited to see what happens in 2024!

Love all you!

✨Calliope Connolly

A light in the field luminary display will shine for beautiful Calliope