Things are looking good for Cadabra

Meet Cadabra

Every day is a holiday at HEEFS, and today we are celebrating “My Eye Feels Better Day” with Cadabra! As most of you know, before Derek adopted an Esther-approved lifestyle, he was a professional magician, and Cadabra, along with bunnies, Abra and Dot, were part of his magic-family. The bunny trio retired and moved to Bunnytown as soon as we opened the Sanctuary, and while Dot and Abra have passed on, Cadabra is still enjoying all life has to offer in Bunnytown.

Let’s take a closer look

Back in January of this year, Cadabra developed an eye infection – in the same eye that had been infected months before and it had, at that time, responded well to treatment. We treated Cadabra per HEEFS standard treatment protocol for these things, including a course of antibiotic eye drops. This normally does the trick, however, in this case it didn’t. In fact, this time around we didn’t see much change at all. Cadabra just wasn’t his hoppy self, so it was time for a visit to the vet.

“♪♪ I can see clearly now…♪♪”

The trip to the vet revealed that Cadabra had an ulcer on his cornea which was most likely the result of a scratch. He was put on another course of antibiotics as we carefully monitored him. A follow-up visit to the vet indicated that although healthy cells were present, the dead cells were not sloughing off as they should, and they were forming a barrier around the ulcer preventing the healthy cells from healing the area. The next step was a day surgery procedure to remove the dead cells and treat the eye so that the healthy cells could do their job. The surgery was a great success and after. careful monitoring and a course of new medications, including a serum that was dropped into his eye hourly from 7am until 10pm for two days… drum roll, please…. we are thrilled to announce that Cadabra is healed and healthy! Let’s all raise an apple together and wish Cadabra a very Happy “My Eye Feels Better Day”!