Remembering Dolly

Dolly, a very sweet and sociable turkey, came to HEEFS after being found on the side of the highway by Sergeant Scott Richardson of the Waterloo Regional Police Service. She was one of the “lucky” ones, having fallen from a truck that was transporting her to a processing plant. "It was during the rush hour," Sergeant Richardson told us, "when I saw a ball of white fluff on the highway." Unsure of what it was, he exited the highway and then doubled back around. That's when he saw Dolly. She was lying there, on the road, injured and exhausted.” A true hero, Sgt Richardson brought Dolly to Waterloo Wildlife where a rehabilitator was waiting for her. Sgt. Richardson never forgot Dolly and would bring his family out to the Sanctuary for visits.

On the road to recovery

At Waterloo Wildlife, Dolly was assessed and her feet were found to be grossly swollen as a result of 'bumblefoot', a painful bacterial infection which would have made it very difficult for her to even stand. Along with being dehydrated and very scared, Dolly also suffered a broken wing when she fell from the truck They tended to her immediate needs before contacting HEEFS and arranging for Dolly to be transferred to us where her care would be continued and she would live out her natural life.

A friend indeed

From Dolly’s very first day at HEEFS, Nancy made it his mission to keep her company from outside of her isolation pen. Nancy would arrive there first thing in the morning and sit, chatting away to Dolly, for most of the day. Once Dolly was cleared of her bumblefoot and her wing was on the mend, Nancy was right there to welcome Dolly when she was officially integrated into the bird family at HEEFS. Nancy and Dolly remained the very best of friends and could always be found, together, exploring the Sanctuary grounds or visiting Bunnytown. While Dolly lived her life to the fullest during her short time at HEEFS, she sadly never recovered fully from her fall, or from the complications of what she was bred to become, and she passed away, quietly, in 2019.

Dolly’s House - one of the coops at HEEFS, was named in loving memory of our sweet girl.