Thinking outside the barn by Cheri Gibson, Animal Caregiver

Every day at HEEFS we strive to provide the very best, individualized support and care for all our residents following HEEFS guiding principles of Love, Peace, Kindness, Compassion and Education. As caregivers, we continuously monitor the changing health of all our residents. For many of our older residents, we monitor and provide support for chronic conditions that often accompany aging, such as arthritis and neurologic and mobility issues. Often, we reach out to complementary care practitioners to offer each resident the best, and most effective, treatment protocol for their particular needs. This can include acupuncture, massage, reiki, osteopathy, laser therapy, and hydrotherapy as well as the inclusion of nutritional supplements and mobility devices. Many of the supplements, such as turmeric, spirulina, glucosamine, and hyaluronic acid, are also popular remedies used by humans to support a strong immune system.

Our lovely ladies…Gladys and Yammy

As senior sheep, Gladys and Yammy both suffer with arthritis in their limbs. They are supported with allopathic arthritis and pain medicines from our vet as well as nutritional supplements to support their joints. Kate, a registered osteopath, visits with them once a month to ensure their spine is aligned properly to support their joints. Mobility carts have recently been used to support these two lovely ladies with their ongoing mobility issues. It warmed our hearts to see just how little time it took for Gladys and Yammy to understand the mechanics of moving around with their carts.

Helping Donna Duck

Donna Duck has also been suffering with arthritis. She is currently attending hydrotherapy once a week along with twice daily physiotherapy. This treatment schedule has provided great relief for Donna and we have seen an encouraging return of her self-confidence and mobility. Our osteopath, along with our acupuncturist who is releasing blockages in her meridians, are also important members of her care team.

Always learning…always trying

The HEEFS caregiver team has a diverse background in animal care. These talented individuals share their ideas regarding care strategies with the group, and decisions to move forward with each resident is discussed by all. Thinking “outside the barn” and adapting to daily changes in healthcare for individual needs is the norm at HEEFS. As caregivers we are also encouraged to continually upgrade our education by taking courses and sharing our knowledge with each other. This ongoing education and open communication are what keeps us on top of the latest care strategies and allows us to support the HEEFS residents with the very best in personalized care.