Nancy Is His Name, Epic Stories Are His Game

By Susan Cleland

If you’re one of Nancy’s many fans, you would know how much he LOVES to tell stories! Whether he’s the driver or passenger in the quad or sled, he’ll look from side to side and excitedly narrate all the amazing things he sees. Or if we’re in cleaning Dolly’s House, he’ll follow us around, inspect our work, and remind us to make his bed extra poofy. Did you know that when Andrea is cuddling with Nancy, he’ll softly whisper to her?

Nancy always has a story to tell and he seems to love sharing them with us. We believe his cheerful and tenacious personality reminds us that no matter the challenge, there is always a reason to keep telling stories. 

A Challenging Start

Over the years, not much has dimmed Nancy’s bright spirit.

In his past life, Nancy was a nameless “broiler” bird. He arrived at HEEFS in 2017 at about eight weeks old, unable to walk due to his overwhelming weight. With a proper and nutritious diet, and much physical rehabilitation, Nancy worked hard to walk again. Then in 2019, he endured an emotional hardship when he lost his best friend, Dolly. Then in January, 2022, Nancy underwent surgery to remove skin cancer from his back end. 


Nancy Beats the Odds Again

Nancy’s most recent challenge was when his feather follicle became infected. Unfortunately, it refused to heal on its own and an antibiotic-resistant bacteria started to grow. It was decided that in order to save his big bold life, Nancy would need another surgery in April 2022, resulting in the partial amputation of his wing. 

“He did really well during surgery, he woke-up really well, and is doing great post-surgery, too. He’s taking pain medication and antibiotics to help with the healing process”, said Andrea White, Animal Care Supervisor.

Two of our coops have soft rubber floors that are heated, exhaust fans to improve air quality, and lots of windows for natural sunlight and fresh air.  

“We built a separate section in Dolly’s House, which has been great in giving Nancy the quiet space he needs right now. His accommodations are also very safe and healthy for his healing process”, said Kevin Weil, Facilities Supervisor. 

Just before Nancy’s most recent surgery, HEEFS sent out a newsletter updating his supporters about his condition, and included a fundraiser. 

“Everyone came together so quickly and I wanted to thank you all for your love and support! I was so grateful and amazed at how Nancy’s story touched so many people and how they really care for him”, said Andrea. 

Nancy is seen numerous times throughout the day by Caregivers who work hard to ensure he is physically healthy and mentally stimulated. He’s definitely very perky, happy, and back to his regular sassy self! Maybe he has been itching to go for another spin in the quad? 

“Thank you for all of your donations, support, and your love for Nancy,” expressed Andrea. “It’s amazing that so many people have fallen in love with him like I am.” 

Nancy’s strength and determination reminds us all to hope for better days, to keep sharing our stories, to dream of quad rides in the summer, and to throw a bit of sass in there too, to keep it real. 

We love you so much, Nanc!