Special Bond - Sharron and Nancy

Following in the footsteps of her brother, longtime HEEFS volunteer, Dan Green, Sharron began volunteering with us on July 2, 2018. “It was Dan’s enthusiasm about the Sanctuary that rubbed off on me, and now I am a regular volunteer,” says Sharron.

It’s hard to pick just one!

When asked to tell us about her special bond, Sharron had a hard time picking. “I think I have a special bond with Nancy,” she told us, “but also barn cats, Wilma and Clawdia, and bunnies, Terry, Bella, Cooper and Cadabra. It’s hard to pick favourites!” Sharron finally settled on Nancy as her special bond because of the great conversations they have when they are together in Bunny Town.

It wasn’t quite love at first sight…at least not for Nancy. “Nancy and I didn’t see eye to eye at first because he was so protective of Dolly,” remembers Sharron. “But eventually I won him over!” When he was comfortable with her, Sharron asked Andrea if she could feel his wattle. “It was the winter and very cold,” Sharron tells us. “I took off my gloves and warmed Nancy’s wattle with my hands. He melted against me and let me stroke his face. If he was a cat, I’m sure he would have been purring!” That’s when Sharron knew she was part of Nancy’s “in crowd”!

Nancy is a chatty Charlie!

During her volunteer hours at HEEFS, Sharron spends most of her time in Bunny Town cleaning the buildings and hutches and making sure there is always fresh water for the residents. “When the work is done, I like to bring healthy snacks for the bunnies – with Andrea’s permission, of course!” Being in Bunny Town gives Sharron and Nancy a lot of time to spend together since this is one of Nancy’s favourite places at HEEFS. “Nancy is very chatty,” says Sharron. “He always has a lot to say and he likes to point things out to me and share his discoveries. He’s a very wise bird!”