Looking back on 2020 with Derek


This year has been challenging for everyone and HEEFS was no exception, but with your continued love and support we not only got through 2020 but we accomplished many of our goals and took on some new and unexpected challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges we faced was having to shut down the Sanctuary to outside visitors and volunteer workdays. Having HEEFS open to visitors was a big part of sharing our message of compassion for farmed animals everywhere. Luckily, we were already very active on social media so we were able to seamlessly pivot from onsite to virtual events and you came along for the ride and continued to support us by joining in for Zoom events like our Resident Pizza Party and Hallowe'en Experience Box and Pumpkin Smash. These virtual events were so important for helping us continue to fund raise and keep our message loud and clear throughout 2020. Through all of this, you have continued to be there for us. Your messages of encouragement have helped us move this dream forward and your love has stood beside us giving us strength to tackle whatever crossed our path. We are incredibly grateful to every one of you and "thank you" just doesn't seem like enough but thank you, thank you...THANK YOU!

Sending you much love,


Let's take a walk through 2020 together

Contingency Planning

Well before 2020 became, well, "2020", we implemented a tiered contingency plan in the event of an infectious disease coming to Ontario, Canada, where HEEFS is located. This plan was put in place at the end of February 2020 and was created, at the time, to manage the risk of ASF (African Swine Fever) which was making its way across Europe, but was not yet in North America. With over 75 residents, 30 of which are pigs, counting on us to provide a safe home, we needed to have a plan in place for a smooth, and speedy, transition to operating with reduced, or nonexistent, staff/volunteers, if needed, to ensure the safety and security of our residents. This was accomplished by renovating the staff and volunteer space to provide for:

  • One way in and one way out traffic flow for shared space

  • A full bathroom instillation including a shower that allows for decontamination

  • Renovated the space to allow for all surfaces to be sanitized and fully decontaminated, as well as hiring a professional cleaner

  • New laundry protocols and machines to allow for full disinfectant of barn linens and staff scrubs

  • Addition of a kitchenette and futon that could be used if additional overnight volunteer/staff support was required

  • Addition of a secure storage shed to hold a freshly rotated 120 day supply of resident feed

Enhanced Fire Safety

Fire safety and fire suppression are always at the forefront of our minds. To help us reduce the risk of a fire starting, and spreading, we put in place the following:

  • Increased stock of fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers throughout the property

  • Training sessions for staff and volunteers on emergency response

  • Fire response wagons containing supplies required for staff to act as first responders and secure the safety of residents until emergency response personnel arrive

Continued support for all sanctuaries

When HEEFS was starting up, we received so much help and support from established sanctuaries that we felt it was important to give back and help other sanctuaries through education and our Esther Shares program. In 2020 alone, we:

  • Helped 10 sanctuaries through Esther Shares

  • Started educational videos for our social media viewers and fellow sanctuary operators showcasing our facilities, operations, and animal care

  • Continued to communicate, and demonstrate, our philosophy that the quality of life for all our residents, regardless of age, species or condition remains a top priority at all times

  • Taught local sanctuaries how to provide specialized care, such as hoof trimming, based on our own experiences

Bringing the Pigs of Farm X to HEEFS

In 2020 we completed the the transition of all the Farm X pigs to HEEFS, bringing our total pig population to 30! Back in 2018, Fiona, Jolene and Abigale were brought to HEEFS from Farm X and this year we brought the remaining eight pigs seen here. The integration of the Farm X pigs with the HEEFS herds has begun and will continue into 2021. While we are thrilled to have been able to offer sanctuary to all of the remaining eight Farm X pigs, we did so knowing that it will add significantly to our feed, shelter and medical costs. 

Enhanced on-site capabilities

We constantly look at ways to improve our on-site capabilities with the goal of increased sustainability and enhanced safety. In 2020 we:

  • Purchased tractor equipment to allow for on-site manure management allowing us to curate rich soil for the Sanctuary instead of paying to have it removed

  • Expanded our gardens to grow produce for our residents

  • Completed an internet upgrade allowing for monitored fire equipment and security cameras

  • Installing the north road which provides an alternate road with safe and speedy access on and off the property in the event of an evacuation

  • Added water and hydro to all resident barns

Enhanced ability to provide on-site resident care

In the event of any infectious disease in our geographic area, it is important that we reduce, to the best of our ability, the need to transport residents off the property. To help us manage more of our residents' healthcare needs on site we:

  • Facilitated staff training for resident ultrasound and laser therapy

  • Partnered with a veterinarian who delivers regular and dedicated on-site care including the ability to provide on-site radiographs

  • Created an animal care database and moved all our records from paper to digital

  • Partnered with experts for alternative therapy such as an osteopath for Bobbie and a trainer for Escalade

Expanded resident living space

Managing multiple herds with changing dynamics requires the ability to reconfigure living space for the residents, as needed. We do this by:

  • Adding additional fencing and gates to create more, and varied, pig living spaces and integration areas

  • Adding a new barn for the big heads to provide shelter options within their fieldManaging multiple herds with changing dynamics requires the ability to reconfigure living space for the residents, as needed. We do this by:

  • Adding additional fencing and gates to create more, and varied, pig living spaces and integration areas

  • Adding a new barn for the big heads to provide shelter options within their field