Bobbie and Her Sore Hoof


Our Sweet Bobbie

As many of you who follow Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary on our Facebook page know, our sweet Bobbie recently battled a hoof infection and had to spend some time at Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). We are thrilled to report that she is doing very well and her prognosis is excellent.

Unfortunately, the issue that Bobbie experienced is not uncommon in pigs. Due to their abnormally heavy weight, many pigs experience stiff and sore joints, and they can easily injure their legs, feet, and hooves. This is why we are very careful with our resident pigs’ diet, and do regular hoof checks and trims.

For those of you who might not have been aware of Bobbie’s hoof situation, here is what happened.


Late this past February, during regular hoof trimming, an abscess was found on Bobbie’s back right hoof. It was thoroughly cleaned out and dressed, as is our usual protocol. We continued to clean it twice daily and monitor Bobbie for any sensitivity and changes to her mobility. After a few days, it was decided that Bobbie needed to be put on a 7-day course of antibiotics. We started to see some definite improvement and a once daily soak in Epsom salts was added to Bobbie’s routine. It initially appeared as if things were progressing well. However, during a check up about five days into treatment, Bobbie’s toe was significantly more sensitive to the touch and she was very grumpy during treatment. Bobbie is usually a very sweet and easy-going girl, so this behaviour was a concern. After more close monitoring, it was decided that Bobbie needed to be seen at OVC .


Surgery and Recovery

OVC imaged the foot and ran a few other tests which revealed that Bobbie’s entire toe was infected, so surgery to remove the toe from her back, right foot was scheduled for the next day. The surgery was a complete success! Coming out of sedation can be a difficult experience for a pig but our Bobbie came out smoothly with no adverse effects. By the end of the day she was up and walking around – even bearing weight on the foot that had been operated on. Everyone at OVC, and at HEEFS were thrilled with the very quick recovery Bobbie made! It was agreed that the best thing for Bobbie would be to remain at OVC for two more weeks until her sutures were removed, and then she could come home.

Bobbie 2.jpg

Back at HEEFS

Once home, Bobbie was given a private stall and allowed out on the lenai for fresh air and she got some exercise by walking around in the barn. Regular bandage changes continue, and she is recovering nicely with no complications. As one of our amazing caregivers noted in our daily resident healthcare records, “She is her old self, bright, alert, active, inquisitive, engaged, adorable, eating well. She has adjusted remarkably to the change in her foot. She has good balance, is standing solidly on her bad foot, bearing weight evenly and walking, even running short distances, with confidence.” That’s our girl!