Special Bond - Jacquelyn and Escalade

“Every interaction with Escalade is pure joy,” says Jacquelyn, who has felt a special bond with Escalade from the very first time he let her touch his face just 3 months after she started volunteering in 2018. That moment was particularly special for Jacquelyn since Escalade is very particular about who he chooses to interact with.

He’s just a goofy guy!

Now, we all know from watching their antics that Escalade’s best bud is BJ. The two do everything together, but what you might not have known is that Escalade is the leader of his pack – which includes Sir Denver, Pouty and BJ. “Escalade has a gentle presence about him,” says Jacquelyn, “and he’s also sensitive with a very strong energy that allows him to be the leader. But, really, when you get right down to it, he’s just a super goofy guy who loves spending his days playing with BJ and grazing in his fields.”

And a bit of a “bad boy”, too!

While up at HEEFS, Jaquelyn spends a lot her time cleaning the stall of the big heads and making sure they have enough fresh water. “One time when I was cleaning the stall, Escalade was being particularly mischievous,” remembers Jacquelyn. “I thought nothing of it until I finished cleaning and went to get my jacket. Escalade had already gotten to the jacket, chomped on it and taken out some of the fluff! But even after that, I just ended up loving him more!” Escalade has that effect on a lot of people!