Special Bond - Theresa and Moose

As with many of our volunteers, Theresa was newly retired and was looking for a challenging and fulfilling way to spend her newfound leisure time. Having a strong love for animals her whole life, Theresa was naturally drawn to volunteering at an animal sanctuary. Lucky for us, Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary caught her eye and in June 2018 she began her volunteer career at HEEFS.

Your secret is safe with us!

Theresa helps out with many different volunteer duties but loves to tackle cleaning the goat and sheep barn whenever she can so she can spend quality time with her Special Bond, Moose. “He is just the cutest and calmest resident,” says Theresa, but she’s quick to add, “Although Moose is my favourite, I love all the goats and sheep!” Don’t worry, Theresa. We won’t tell Yammy, Shaaaun, Luanne, Gladys, Doug, Obaaama, Abraham, George, Catherine, Genie or Diablo that Moose is your favourite!

He’s just a love bug!

The one thing that makes Moose extra special for Theresa is the way he responds to her. “He always wants to be petted and scratched. And he even knows his name. I’ll never forget the first time Moose responded when I called his name. He always comes over when I call. I guess he just knows what a sucker I am for him.” I think we’re all suckers for that big sweetheart, Moose!