A little TLE for Residents and Volunteers at HEEFS

In the course of a busy day at HEEFS, we always try to set aside special time to share with residents who may need a little extra TLE – Tender Loving Enrichment. TLE can be as simple as sharing lunch with a group of chickens or stopping to belly rub a pig. We believe that these simple gestures are important and can be a vital part of volunteering and working at the Sanctuary. Sometimes we get so focused on our work that before you know it, the day is over and it’s time to cuddle a resident! One-on-one time between residents and volunteers and staff is not only a perk of working the Sanctuary, it contributes in a positive way to everyone’s mental and emotional health. This is why we are partnering volunteers with some of their favourite residents to share a little TLE.

Heather and Abigale

Heather and Abigale have shared a special bond from the start and Heather will always take time in her day to say hello and brush Abigale which, inevitably, will lead to a belly rub. Providing Abigale with this ongoing TLE helps her get used to human touch which makes the caregiver’s job that much easier when we need to trim her hooves or her clean ears.

Angie and Diablo

Diablo shares a special place in Angie’s heart, and she will take every opportunity to share some TLE by taking him out for a walk around the Sanctuary. It’s always fun to see these two playing as Angie pushes on Diablo’s horns and he pushes back. Diablo has found a trusting, and willing, playmate in Angie and the experience is so rewarding for both of them.

Tanya and Escalade

Tanya is our resident horse whisperer! She and Escalade share some fun secrets and enjoy as much TLE as they can.  Being an important member of Escalade’s team, Tanya leads the way in helping with his halter training and trailer training. Escalade has come so far this past year thanks in large part to having so many members on his team taking time to socialize with him and give him much needed TLE!

Kate and Sammy

When we noticed Sammy was getting bored early in spring, and his dominance behaviours were ramping up, Kate offered to partner with our caregiving team to create a fun TLE experience and keep Sammy’s mind challenged. Being a pig of many talents, we thought Sammy might enjoy painting and becoming our very own resident Pigasso. Paints were created out of edible juices and away we went. While maybe not Pigasso, Sammy is clearly channeling his inner Jackson Piglock in his many creations!

While it is always important to stop and enjoy the world around us, it has been particularly important during the current pandemic when a lot of human social interaction is limited. By involving our residents and volunteers in fun TLE projects it’s a definite win-win for everyone at HEEFS.  Our happy, engaged residents and volunteers support each other for enriched mental and emotional health.