It's Volunteer Recognition Week!

We have an amazing family of volunteers at HEEFS. Together they have helped create a culture of kindness that we crave from the outside world.  Without their amazing generosity and constant displays of unselfishness, we at HEEFS would simply not be able to exist.  We would not be able to provide the level of care or implement resident safety without them.  Without altruism and teamwork we would cease to survive as a Sanctuary.  It isn't always glamorous, but it is always a pleasure to experience sanctuary work with them and to see their hearts and watch them shine. 

The volunteers that make up HEEFS are world class and will stop at nothing in order to make sure the residents are comfortable and have everything they need.   We cannot thank them enough for their endless hours of commitment, obligation, and responsibility.  

The Volunteer Board of Directors, Kathy, Kellie, and Lynn---thank you hardly seems like enough.  Your imagination and spark for a kinder tomorrow is infectious and you pollinate love with every project you spearhead.  

HEEFS has attracted some world-class animal lovers and we are forever grateful for their contribution to a kinder planet for farmed animals everywhere. 

Three cheers for HEEFS Volunteers!!!

With much love,

Derek and the staff at HEEFS